Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving was Yesterday...

I meant to do this post yesterday, but between the race and going to dinner, I was so tired last night.

I'd like to think I am a pretty lucky person; I have what I need and most of what I want. However, it's always nice to highlight what I am thankful for.

So to start,

-I am thankful for my legs. My legs are chubby and stout, and sometimes swell--which I hate. However, my legs are able to slog, jog, run and exercise. I love that I am able to get up and go. It's something I think about at least once a week on a run. So thanks, Legs!

-I am thankful for my family. These people allow me to be moody with them and still love me. I love them.

-I am thankful for my friends. I have several different friends from different walks of life. I love the variety!!

-I am thankful for my stubbornness and my will to not settle!! I am single and it's been hard to not just settle for less....but I am thankful I have some common sense amongst the mush in my brain!

-I am thankful for a good, flexible job.

-I am thankful for my cat! Her name is Sophie, and she is always right next to me. My sidekick.

I could go on and on, but suffice to say, I'm thankful for who I am and the people who surround me.

We went to my aunt's house for Thanksgiving. It was a nice time. Good food and good laughs! I was pretty nauseated from my turkey trot, so I didn't eat too much. Although, I definitely ate my fair share.

I woke up this morning and had turkey and eggs for breakfast....and a pc of sweet potato pie ;) I consider it a victory that I ate the turkey and eggs first :)

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