Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Overwhelmed Tuesday

Ever just feel overwhelmed?

I am not so much overwhelmed with MY life. Things seem to be going ok, for now. Work is good; "Lamar" is still contacting me (~blush~); vacation is just a short 9 days away; life at home is good; I am healthy and my family is healthy.

However, I just have an overall feeling of being overwhelmed.

I think some of it is that it's Winter and it's darker outside. I've also been hearing stories of doom lately. I work in a profession where I hear sad stories on a daily basis. In addition to that, I have personal friends, coworkers and I belong to a few online forums. So between all of those venues, I see/hear a lot of 'news.' It gets overwhelming.

Just yesterday, I heard about a coworker's sister passing away. She has battled brain cancer for 2 years, was my age and just recently got married. I am not that close to this particular coworker, but we are cordial. However, I immediately teared up when I got the news. My life and mortality became more real. I really need to start learning how to live in the day, and not in the, "let's hope this happens" way.

I have also recently heard some really heartbreaking stories at work that just remind me that the world is not always a safe and happy place. Sometimes I feel like my hands are tied. However, I try to do what I can, when I can. When someone leaves a session smiling, even through their tragic circumstance, it gives me some hope that maybe my job is not for naught.

Anyway, going back to yesterday, I ate lunch at a building I don't normally go to. I am on the road all day. My stand-by McDonald's was blocked off by the police (??)...so I went to the public library. I am sitting, eating, reading my ipad and I look up at see this:

How beautiful, right? 

It made me smile :) I also loved the winter sweaters the figurines had on.

I did a lot of running around, but I left work feeling like I did SOMETHING. So that's always a good feeling. When I left work, I went to the gym for
That fuzzy pic says 23:xx on the elliptical

While listening to this:

After that I went to Body Pump. Body Pump isn't my favorite activity, but it's effective...so I keep going.

Prior to the class, "Lamar" texted me to see if I would be at the gym. He came to work a few hours early to scope me out in the class. ~giddy school girl giggle~

We didn't get a chance to see each other after class, because I thought he was with a client.

Oh well, it will still cool to see him, seeing me.

This morning, I woke up and went to Spin. At 5:30. The class was AWESOME, as always, but going to Spin after evening Body Pump wasn't the most pleasant experience. The instructor also decided that hills would be cool to do all class. Ouch. Legs. Hurt. But, it was a mindless, fun hour.

I love working out!

I found this quote yesterday:

I love the sentiment.

It's so random, but so many times, we try to be who we aren't. If we could just love ourselves, we would all be happier people. I struggle with who I am, daily. For the most part, I am a pretty confident, self assured person. However, there are times when I wish I was skinnier, fitter, stronger, faster, better at my job, less-lazy, naturally healthy, prettier, had a smaller butt, had bigger boobs, drove a better car, made more money and it goes on and on and on...however, THAT is what holds me back.

So I am going to make a vow to appreciate who I am and where I am in life.

My eating has been ok. Yesterday, I actually made it through the day with only eating healthy meals. I did have chocolate chip cookies, 1/4th cup of ice cream and a tiny rice krispie treat. I woke up hungry, which is a sign of eating well yesterday. 

Peace out! 

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